The Second Advance Estimates of Production of major agricultural crops (Kharif & Rabi) for 2024-25 released by Union Ministry of Agriculture.
The Kharif foodgrain production in the country is estimated at 1,663.91 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) and Rabi foodgrain production is estimated at 1,645.27 LMT.
The production of rice production during the Kharif is estimated at 1,206.79 LMT as compared to 1,132.59 LMT in 2023-24.
During the Rabi season, rice production is estimated at 1,57.58 LMT.
Production of wheat is estimated at 1,154.30 LMT, which is higher by 21.38 LMT as compared to previous year production of 1,132.92 LMT.