The draft Tamil Nadu Employment Policy was formulated by the Tamilnadu State Planning Commission (SPC).
It has highlighted several critical issues in the current labour market- from high unemployment rates among the educated youth to mismatches between skills and aspirations, and job opportunities.
Tamil Nadu’s total labour requirement in 2031-32 would be around 36.5 million as against 34.11 million in 2021-22 — a net increase of 2.3 million.
In the previous ten years (from 2011-12 to 2021-22), the net increase in employment was 2.12 million.
The report highlighted that the proportion of employed young adults (aged 20–29) had fallen below 50% in 2021-22 — a dip of over 15% since 2004-05.
The decline is fully attributed to a drastic reduction in the proportion of young adults working in the agriculture sector, which now stands at a mere 5.9%.
The unemployment rate increased to 7.4% for young women (aged 20-29) in 2021-22.