The Tamil Nadu government has sanctioned a sum of ₹500 crore more towards constructing new houses under the 'Kalaignarin Kanavu Illam' programme for 2024-25.
Under the programme, 1 lakh houses are to be constructed at a cost of ₹3,100 crore with the unit cost of each house being ₹3.10 lakh.
Besides the grant of funds from the State government to the tune of ₹2,369 crore, devolution grants of about ₹714 crore and ₹15 crore from the mines fund are to be utilised for the State-level housing programme.
Funds from these three sources to the tune of ₹1,549 crore have already been received.
Total Sum of ₹108.71 crore is sanctioned for the Union government’s national programme, which aims to enhance the socio-economic conditions of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs).
Under the programme, houses are to be sanctioned to the six PVTG communities living in Tamil Nadu -- Irulas, Kattunayakans, Kotas, Kurumbas, Paniyans and Todas.
Houses for them are to be constructed in 21 districts of Tamil Nadu.
The unit cost 2 lakh is being shared in the ratio of 60:40 between the Centre and the State.
The Government of India has also fixed 4,811 as target for 2023-24 under the programme and the target for 2024-25 was 6,885.