24 Companies selected under PLI Scheme for White Goods (ACs and LED Lights) with committed investment of Rs. 3,516 crores in Third Round.
18 new companies committed investments of Rs. 2,299 crore and 6 existing PLI beneficiary committed additional investment of Rs. 1,217 crores.
Total of 84 companies under the PLI Scheme for White goods are set to bring the investments of Rs 10,478 crore.
The PLI Scheme on White Goods is designed to create a robust component eco system for Air Conditioners and LED Lights Industry in India and make India an integral part of the global supply chains.
The Scheme extends an incentive of 6% to 4% on reducing basis on incremental sales for a period of five (5) years subsequent to the base year and one year of gestation period.
The White goods are traditionally referred to large home appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, freezers and washing machines.