The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment provides scholarship to the Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Divyangjan.
Scholarships for Higher Education for Young Achievers (SHREYAS) for Scheduled Castes (SC) is a Central Sector Umbrella Scheme.
It is implemented by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and comprises 04 sub-schemes.
SHREYAS for (OBC) and others comprises two sub-schemes.
Among the two, National Fellowship for OBCis alone a scholarship scheme.
The Department of Persons with Disabilities does not implement any Scheme under the name of the Scholarships for Higher Education for Young Achievers (SHREYAS).
However, the Department is implementing an Umbrella Scheme namely the ‘Scholarship for Students with Disabilities (Divyangjan)’ which comprises six sub-schemes.
All the above-mentioned Schemes are Central Sector Schemes; therefore, funds are not allotted to States/Districts.
These Schemes are implemented on pan India basis and students from any State can avail benefit under the Schemes.