Tamil Nadu government has handed over ‘Tamil Mamani’ award to Dr. Vijay Janakiraman who was instrumental in setting up the Tamil Chair in Harvard University.
The Best Cultural Ambassador Award was given to Krishnakanthan Sandeep from Sri Lanka.
Kaniyan Poongundran awards were bestowed to six individuals.
National University of Singapore (NUS) Registrar Rajaram Ramasubban received the award under education category.
S. Kamalakannan, who published the history of late social reformer ‘Periyar’ E.V. Ramasamy in Japanese, was awarded under social development category.
Pudhumai Thamizhachi Trust’s Sridevi Sivanandam, received under women’s category.
The Tecton Engineering and Construction L.L.C’s Lakshmanan Somasundaram, under business category, received this awards.
While Associate Professor S. Arokiyaraj, Sejong University, Korea received it under S&T category.