Bengaluru surpassed Chennai as India’s top city for women in the third edition of ‘Top Cities for Women in India 2024’ (TCWI) report.
Bengaluru was followed by Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Pune.
Cities in Tamil Nadu dominate the Top 25 list in the Index, with 8 cities – Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli, Vellore, Madurai, Salem Erode and Tirupur are featuring in the Index.
The South emerged as the most inclusive region, scoring comparatively higher in both social and industrial inclusion.
The average city inclusion score of the South is 18.56.
The South is closely followed by the West (16.92).
The Central and the Eastern regions lag, with averages of 11.79 and 10.55, respectively.
The average city inclusion score for North is at 14.