SDG Goal wise programs of India – Part 13
(இதன் தமிழ் வடிவத்திற்கு இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்)
New India Literacy Programme (NILP)
Ministry or Nodal Agency:
- Ministry of Education (MoE).

- Empower adults aged 15 years and above who missed formal schooling, helping them integrate into society and contribute to national growth.
- Focus on foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN), critical life skills, vocational skills development, basic education, and continuing education.

- Target 5 crore learners over five years (1 crore per year) using online teaching and assessment systems in collaboration with National Informatics Centre (NIC), NCERT, and NIOS.
- Aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
- Non-literate individuals aged 15 years and above, including women, in all States and Union Territories.
- Identification of beneficiaries through door-to-door surveys via mobile apps or direct registration.

Eligibility Criteria:
- Adults aged 15 years and above who have missed formal schooling and are non-literate.

- Access to foundational literacy, numeracy, critical life skills, vocational skills, and continuing education.
- Voluntary teaching opportunities for individuals to contribute as educators through mobile app registration.

- Teaching and learning materials available through DIKSHA platform and other media channels like TV, Radio, and Samajik Chetna Kendra.
Additional Information:
- Tenure: FYs 2022-27 (5 years).
- The program primarily utilizes technology, such as mobile apps, online platforms, and various media for disseminating educational content.

- In 2023, 39,94,563 adult learners appeared for the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Test (FLNAT), with 36,17,303 learners being certified as literate.
Mid-Day Meal Scheme (PM POSHAN)
Launched Year:
Ministry or Nodal Agency:
- Ministry of Education (MoE).
- To improve the nutritional status of children in government and government-aided schools.
- To encourage children from disadvantaged sections to attend school regularly and concentrate better on classroom activities.

- To provide nutritional support to children in drought-affected and disaster-hit areas.
- To address hunger and enhance education with the goal of universalizing elementary education.
- Children studying in Bal Vatika (pre-primary) to class VIII in government and government-aided schools, Special Training Centres (STC), Madarsas, Maqtabs, and those supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).

Eligibility Criteria:
- All children enrolled in government and government-aided schools, with no discrimination on the basis of gender or social class.
- Hot cooked meals provided to eligible children.
- Ensures children receive a minimum intake of 450-700 calories and 12-20 grams of protein per day.
- Financial support for food grains, material costs (pulses, vegetables, condiments, etc.), and cooking expenses.

- Support for the construction of kitchen-cum-stores and provision of kitchen devices.
- Tithi Bhojan initiative allowing community participation in providing nutritious food on special occasions and festivals.
- Development of Nutrition Gardens in schools for additional micronutrients.
- Social audits to ensure transparency and accountability in the implementation of the scheme.
Additional Information:
- The scheme covers approximately 11.80 crore children in 11.20 lakh schools as of 2021-22.
- Special provisions are made for districts with high Anaemia to provide supplementary nutrition items.
- Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) funds account for 3% of the total budget, ensuring regular assessment and transparency.
Pre and Post Matric Scholarship Schemes for SCs
Launched Year:
- Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme: 2006.
- Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students (PMS-SC): 2014.
Ministry or Nodal Agency:
- Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJ&E).

Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SCs
- Promote literacy and ensure uninterrupted education at the pre-matric level for children from Scheduled Castes (SCs) and children of parents/guardians engaged in unclean and hazardous occupations.

- Reduce dropout rates and encourage students to continue their education in classes I to X.
- Component 1: SC students studying in classes IX and X.
- Component 2: Children of parents/guardians engaged in unclean and hazardous occupations, such as manual scavengers, tanners, waste pickers, and those involved in hazardous cleaning.

Eligibility Criteria:
Component 1:
- SC students studying in classes IX and X.
- Parent/Guardian's income should not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum.

Component 2:
- Children of parents/guardians engaged in unclean or hazardous occupations, irrespective of caste/religion.
- No income ceiling under this component.
- Financial assistance to SC students from class I to X.
- Scholarships for students in classes IX and X with a family income ceiling.
- Scholarships for children of manual scavengers, tanners, waste pickers, and those engaged in hazardous cleaning, with no income limit.

Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students (PMS-SC)
- Provide financial assistance to SC students pursuing post-matric education in India.
- Increase the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) of SC students in higher education, focusing on students from the poorest households.

- SC students enrolled in post-matric education (higher education).
Eligibility Criteria:
- SC students pursuing post-matric education.
- Parents/Guardians' income should not exceed Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum.
- Financial assistance covering tuition fees and maintenance allowance for post-matric students.

Additional Information:
Recent Changes and Implementation:
Funding Pattern:
- Pre-Matric Scholarships: The funding is shared at a rate of 60:40 (Centre and State), with special provisions for North Eastern States (90:10), Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and UTs without legislature (100:0).
- PMS-SC: The funding pattern for PMS-SC is also shared at 60:40 between the Centre and States, with specific provisions for NE states (90:10).
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT):
- Central share for both schemes (maintenance allowance and non-refundable fees) is directly transferred to students’ Aadhaar-linked bank accounts via DBT after the State Government has released its share.

Online Processing:
- The schemes are managed through online platforms to ensure transparency, reduce duplicity, and avoid wrongful claims.

- Pre-Matric Scholarships: In FY 2023-24, Rs. 141.01 crore was released to 6.25 lakh beneficiaries through DBT.
- PMS-SC: In FY 2023-24, Rs. 1516.84 crore was released to 12.70 lakh beneficiaries through DBT.

PM SHRI Scheme
Launched Year:
Ministry or Nodal Agency:
- Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Objectives of PM SHRI Scheme:
- The PM SHRI (Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India) Scheme aims to improve the quality of education in schools across India and transform them into model institutions that adhere to the principles of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
- The core objective is to establish 14,500 model schools that provide inclusive and high-quality education for students, nurturing their cognitive and holistic development.

- To enhance existing schools into PM SHRI Schools that act as exemplars of quality education.
- To create an inclusive, safe, and nurturing environment promoting well-being and student safety.
- To offer diverse learning experiences with modern infrastructure and resources.
- To align with the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, building a society based on equity, inclusivity, and pluralism.
- Students from schools selected to become PM SHRI schools.
- Teachers and Educators will be empowered with improved resources, infrastructure, and professional development opportunities.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Schools managed by Central/State/UT Governments and local bodies.
- Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) and Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) that are non-project and operate from permanent buildings.

Key Features of PM SHRI Schools:
- Holistic Education: The schools will focus on the overall development of students, promoting skills like communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and 21st-century competencies.
- Modern Pedagogy: Teaching methods will be experiential, inquiry-driven, learner-centered, and flexible, including play/toy-based learning for foundational years.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
- Modern labs (science, vocational, and computer labs).
- Smart classrooms, libraries, and art rooms.
- Integration of green initiatives (water conservation, waste recycling, energy-efficient infrastructure).
- Assessment: Competency-based assessments focusing on conceptual understanding and the application of knowledge in real-life situations.
- Inclusion: Ensuring that the learning environment is inclusive, ensuring access for all students, and addressing physical infrastructure and resource gaps.
Funding and Financial Support:
- The funding for PM SHRI is shared between the Centre and the States/UTs based on a 60:40 ratio, except for North Eastern States and UTs with no legislature.
- For NE States and Himalayan States (including J&K), the share is 90:10.
- Union Territories without legislature receive 100% central funding.

- Duration of Scheme:
- The scheme is designed to run from 2022-23 to 2026-27.
- After this period, it will be the responsibility of the States/UTs to maintain and sustain the benchmarks achieved by these schools.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
- A School Quality Assessment Framework (SQAF) will regularly assess the performance and progress of PM SHRI schools, ensuring that high standards are maintained.

Schools are selected through a Challenge Mode process that includes:
- Stage 1: Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Centre.
- Stage 2: Identification of eligible schools using UDISE+ data.
- Stage 3: A challenge where schools compete based on certain criteria.
- Verification by State/UT authorities, KVs, JNVs, and a final selection committee led by the Secretary of the Ministry.

Additional Information:
- Selection Process: Schools are selected through a rigorous process that includes competition based on key criteria, including infrastructure, teaching quality, and alignment with NEP 2020 principles.
- Post-Scheme Responsibility: After the scheme ends, States/UTs will take responsibility for maintaining and building upon the benchmarks established by these schools.
- Impact: The goal is to create a model educational environment that can be replicated across India, with the ultimate aim of producing well-rounded, productive citizens capable of contributing meaningfully to society.
