State Family Database (SFDB)
- State Family Database (SFDB) is envisioned as a data-driven decision-support infrastructure for improving Governance by aiding planning, implementation and execution of Government schemes and programs.
- It will complement the existing Department infrastructure by enabling data harmonization and synchronization among various Departments to ensure transparent and seamless service delivery to citizens.
- Each of the Departments of Government of Tamil Nadu have their own applications and associated databases.
- All those databases would be used to build SFDB core database.
- It is used to uniquely identify the beneficiaries across the State.
- It would enable proactive delivery of Government benefits and services to citizens in an inclusive manner.
- Makkal Portal and Back Office Portal will be released in a phased manner.
Tamil Nadu Geographic Information System (TNGIS)
- Geographic Information System (GIS) is a tool for managing, analysing and decision making by linking the spatial and non-spatial data.
- Tamil Nadu Geographical Information System (TNGIS) is established with an objective of creating a common GIS Platform for the State wherein all Departmental assets, facilities, projects being executed by various Departments using geospatial technologies (Remote Sensing data from Satellites, Drone, Aerial, and terrestrial platforms including underground data) are visualised together spatially.
- The seamless spatial datasets of all Departments along with their integrated MIS data through TNGIS shall be shared across Departments and used for integrated planning and decision-making process in the State.
- Currently, TNGIS is managing over 300 spatial data layers collated from various Departments that are being shared with Departments in need.
- Last year, around 70 layers of data are shared with about 20 Departments.
- The available data is also made available in the TNGIS web portal
- Based on this, the Department specific applications are developed.
- Major highlights of completed activities in 2022 are:
- e-Munnetram application is used to monitor the physical and financial progress of large value infrastructure projects.
- Creation of administrative boundaries with the help of Rural Development and Urban Development Departments.
- TNGIS has coordinated with 10 Departments and has shared 29 spatial layers to PM Gati shakti portal.
- Development of applications for Rural Development, Excise Department, State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Highways, etc.
- For the year 2023, following activities are proposed under TNGIS:
- Revamping of existing portal with additional tools to perform all types of spatial analysis, share data through Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and develop theme specific dashboards.
- Develop mobile/web application to capture all crop information in each season with geofenced validation.
- This data will be used for updating the adangal database and deriving statistics that can be used for planning and policy making.
- Develop application for getting the property details based on its survey number, current location, nearest facilities/services provided by the Government.
- To develop a mobile application for mapping all Governmental assets and facilities for planning and decision-making process.
- Develop a GIS based project management application to track the physical and financial progress of all infrastructure related project works. TNGIS will prepare and publish the standards for all spatial data layers in consultation with all user Departments.
- A Geospatial policy of Tamil Nadu will be prepared which shall dwell upon the data sharing / exchange policy for all spatial data contents.
- TNGIS team will be strengthened to cater to the demands of geospatial needs in various Departments.
Know Your Government Portal
- In the era of digital world, the website is the first go to medium to know about a government and its functioning.
- As a first step, the Tamil Nadu State Government website is taken up for redesign.
- In the first phase, the project aims to re-design the existing State portal with world class design, user friendly navigation and as an inclusive website with necessary tools for differently abled people.
- The website shall act as a medium to disseminate the information on the Government schemes and services.
- The website shall feature Artificial Intelligence (AI) based CHATBOT in the 1st phase.
- The public can search the details of a scheme and service using the CHATBOT.
- The website shall also enable features to engage with the public effectively by means of polls, competitions, campaign, and crowd sourcing.
- The webpage shall also feature as a one stop shop to enable a downloadable link to citizen based mobile applications developed by various Government Departments.
- In phase 2, the Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments, Agencies will be taken up for revamping.
- Currently the Departments, Heads of Departments, Government agencies websites are being managed with various vendors.
- In future, the sites will be managed by the Know Your Government (KYG) portal team of the Government.
- The project is being designed by the team in TNeGA and implemented through NIC team at Secretariat.
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML)
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning can provide new ways of approaching problems and to meaningfully improve citizen’s lives. The focus in TNeGA is on applying AI to sectors such as Healthcare, Agriculture, Energy and Education that requires a concerted, collaborative effort across all sectors.
- The current focus areas are:
- 1. Trustworthy and accessible data
- 2. Computer Vision
- 3. Voice Based Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots
- 4. Applied Data Science
- 5. Geo-Spatial Analytics
- TNeGA is working closely with the Departments on the above focus areas.
- Following are some of the AI projects that TNeGA has completed and successfully rolled out to the citizens and Departments:
e-Paarvai: AI-based Cataract Detection System
- Cataract is one of the main reasons of blindness in India.
- Detection of Cataract at its initial stages can help save vision.
- Currently, individuals come to district hospital when they are at their late stages of Cataract.
- TNeGA has developed an AI-based mobile application to provide quick screening of Cataract.
- The pilot was initially done in three districts, namely, Madurai, Nagapattinam and Vellore, and subsequently it has been rolled out in 34 districts.
- A cataract detection mobile app using AI is rolled out for the whole State.
- So far 20,000 patients with cataract have been detected and reported to District Hospitals for further advice and surgery.
- The AI based e-Paarvai solution developed to detect cataract using a mobile phone, won the National ‘AI Game Changers 2021’ award from NASSCOM.
Facial Recognition based Attendance System 2.0 (FRAS 2.0)
- Facial Recognition based Attendance System 2.0 (FRAS 2.0) is developed and deployed as an Android application for scaling across the State.
- The key feature of the app is that field staff can mark the attendance from their respective locations and their attendance is marked with their geolocation.
- Currently, pilot is done for Directorate of Public Health (DPH) with 1000 frontline health workers who are on the fields.
- Once completed, it will be rolled out for 35,000 frontline health workers.
- Department of Sports and Youth welfare and Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation have shown interest in deploying this solution for their staff.
AI based Pest and Disease identification
- Farmers can upload a photo of the plant infected by pests using Uzhavan app.
- The AI based pest identification model developed by TNeGA diagnoses the pest and suggests remedial measures.
Financial Analytics Tool
- Proof of Concept (PoC) for Financial Analytics tool has been developed for Department of Finance focused on Debit management.
Tamil Nadu Blockchain Backbone – Nambikkai Inaiyam
- Nambikkai Inaiyam will enable Departments of Government of Tamil Nadu to use a unified infrastructure to secure Government data and documents and track the provenance of digitized assets.
- The platform is being used to develop various e-Governance applications.
- Use cases are being implemented to include securing land records, securing academic certificates and marksheets and e-Sevai certificates.
- Once the project is live, authorities, employers, higher education institutes can securely verify Government issued certificates, marksheets, receipts and licenses.
- Additionally, present day and legacy Tamil Nadu land records would be preserved securely.