TNPSC Thervupettagam

The Consumer Protection Bill, 2019

August 13 , 2019 2037 days 2347 0
  • The Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 was passed by both Houses of Parliament. It replaces the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

Who’s a Consumer?

  • A consumer is defined as a person who buys any good or avails a service for a consideration.  
  • It does not include a person who obtains a good for “resale” or a good or service for commercial purpose. 
  • It covers transactions through all modes - offline, online through electronic means, teleshopping, multi-level marketing or direct selling.

Rights of Consumers

  • 6 Consumer’s rights have been defined in the Bill including the right to
    • Be protected against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property
    • Be informed of the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services
    • Be assured of access to a variety of goods or services at competitive prices
    • Seek redressal against unfair or restrictive trade practices.

Central Consumer Protection Authority

  • A Central Consumer Protection Authority will be set up to promote, protect and enforce the rights of consumers. 
  • It will have an investigation wing, headed by a Director-General, which may conduct inquiry or investigation into such violations.
  • It may impose a penalty on a manufacturer or an endorser of up to Rs 10 lakh and imprisonment for up to two years for a false or misleading advertisement.
  • It can also prohibit the endorser of a misleading advertisement from endorsing that particular product or service for a period of up to one year.

Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (CDRC)

  • CDRC will be set up at the district, state, and national levels. 
  • Appeals at district level redressal commission can be escalated till national level.
  • Final appeal will lie before the Supreme Court.
  • Complaints can be made in relation to
    • Unfair or restrictive trade practices
    • Defective goods or services
    • Overcharging or deceptive charging
    • Offering of goods or services for sale which may be hazardous to life and safety. 


  • The District CDRC will entertain complaints where value of goods and services does not exceed Rs.1 crore.
  • State CDRC will do from 1 crore to 10 crores
  • National CDRC will deal with complaints of over 10 crores value.

Product liability

  • Product liability means the liability of a product manufacturer / service provider / seller to compensate a consumer for any harm or injury caused by a defective good or deficient service.
  • To claim compensation, a consumer has to prove any one of the conditions for defect or deficiency, as given in the Bill.

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