10-year action plan for landlocked countries
December 29 , 2024
70 days
- The UNGA adopted a 10-year action program to address the unique challenges faced by landlocked developing countries.
- This resolution is titled the Programme of Action for the Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2024–2034.
- It builds on Vienna Programme of Action (2014-2024) & Almaty Programme of Action (2003).
- It aims to boost labour productivity & job opportunities across all sectors by 50% by 2034.
- It also focused on reduce disaster risk in LLDCs through full implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015– 2030.
- Landlocked countries are countries that do not have direct access to the sea.
- There are 32 landlocked developing countries with a population of about 570 million.

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