1,036 species for backyard bird count
March 10 , 2024
365 days
- Birding enthusiasts from all over the country documented 1,036 species for the Global Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) 2024.
- India has submitted over 1,000 species in a global citizen science initiative to document bird diversity.
- This is the second highest number of submissions in the world.
- India submitted the second-highest number of checklists and the third-highest species among all participating countries.
- The United States submitted the greatest number of checklists with 172,025.
- It is followed by India; Canada had the third highest number of checklists at 25,420.
- Colombia (1,363) and Ecuador (1,130) submitted the most species.
- Kerala recorded the highest number of checklists (14,023), followed by Tamil Nadu (13,661) and Maharashtra (5,725).
- The backyard bird count happens every year, usually over a four-day period in February.

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