TNPSC Thervupettagam

19 interstellar asteroids

May 1 , 2020 1774 days 1039 0
  • The first known permanent population of asteroids has been discovered in the new study. 
  • The study has been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
  • It was discovered between Jupiter and Neptune by the Brazilian Astronomers.
  • It roams in between the giant planets of the solar system.
  • The first interstellar asteroid known as 'Oumuamua was discovered in 2017. 
  • The asteroid has come from the star called Vega in the constellation Lyra.
  • The asteroids belong to a group of objects called Centaurs.

  • The asteroids have been originating from outside of our solar system.
  • It is believed that the asteroids have been captured from other stars billions of years ago. 
  • As the universe began to expand, the sun was born and the gravity of the growing sun sucked these asteroids into the solar system. 
  • These asteroids once belonged to another star and are now orbiting between Jupiter and Neptune.
  • They have been orbiting our sun and hiding in plain sight.
  • The newly discovered asteroids are believed to have been present almost since the birth of our solar system, 4.5 billion years ago.
  • The close proximity of the stars meant that they felt each other's gravity much more strongly in those early days than they do today.
  • This enabled asteroids to be pulled from one star system to another.
  • Astronomers believe the space rocks were ripped from their original location as the universe expanded and the sun grew rapidly, creating its own gravitational pull. 
  • The enormous force of the burgeoning star sucked the rocks into the formative solar system and they have remained here ever since.

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