3rd Global Renewable Energy Investment Meeting and Expo (RE-Invest 2020)
December 1 , 2020
1559 days
- The summit is organised by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
- The theme for 2020 is ‘Innovations for Sustainable Energy Transition’.
- The partner countries of Re-INVEST are Australia, France, Denmark, Germany, UK, Maldives, European Union and US.
- The partner states are Gujarat, MP, HP, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
- India’s renewable power capacity is the 4th largest in the world.
- It is growing at the fastest speed among all major countries.
- The renewable energy capacity in India is currently 136 Giga Watts.
- It is about 36% of our total capacity.
- India’s annual renewable energy capacity addition has been exceeding that of coal based thermal power since 2017.
- In the last 6 years, India has increased installed renewable energy capacity by two and half times.
- Hydroelectricity is administered separately by the Ministry of Power and not included in MNRE projects.

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