5th Siddha Day - December 23
December 26 , 2021
1169 days
- The day is observed to create awareness about the Siddha system of medicine.
- The day is annually organised by the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH).
- It is celebrated on the eve of the birthday of Siddhar Agathiyar, which falls during the Ayilyam star in the Tamil month of Margazhi.
- In 2021, the Siddha Day falls on 23rd December 2021.
- The year 2021 marks the celebration of the 5th Siddha Day.
- The theme of the 5th Siddha Day is “Strength of Siddha in Communicable Diseases”.
- It sensitises the public on the importance of the Siddha system in tackling communicable diseases.

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