TNPSC Thervupettagam

64-dish MeerKAT

July 16 , 2018 2435 days 1164 0

  • South Africa unveiled new 64-dish MeerKAT radio telescope that could help unlock the mysteries of the Universe.
  • MeerKAT will be incorporated into complex Square Kilometre Array (SKA) instrument.
  • SKA will be fully operational in the late 2020s, to be most powerful in the world.
  • MeerKAT is a followup to the KAT 7 (Karoo Array Telescope), built in the vast semi-desert Karoo region north of Cape Town to demonstrate South Africa's ability to host the SKA.
  • MeerKAT, originally the Karoo Array Telescope, is a radio telescope consisting of 64 mirrors now being tested and verified in the Northern Cape of South Africa.
  • The telescope will be used for research into cosmic magnetism, galactic evolution, the large-scale structure of the cosmos, dark matter and the nature of transient radio sources.

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