TNPSC Thervupettagam

The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019

August 7 , 2019 2051 days 1097 0
  • The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019 has been passed by both houses of Parliament. It amends the Companies Act, 2013.


Companies Act, 2013

2019 Amendments

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

If CSR money is not fully spent, companies must disclose the reasons for non-spending in their annual report.

Any unspent annual CSR funds must be transferred to one of the funds under Schedule 7 of the Act (e.g., PM Relief Fund) within six months of the financial year.

Violations: A fine between Rs 50,000 and Rs 25,00,000

Debarring auditors

The National Financial Reporting Authority can Debar a “member or firm” from practising as a Chartered Accountant for a period between six months to 10 years, for proven misconduct.

The Bill amends the punishment to provide for debarment from appointment as an auditor or internal auditor of a company, or performing a company’s valuation, for a period between six months to 10 years.

Change in approving authority

Change in period of financial year for a company associated with a foreign company, has to be approved by the National Company Law Tribunal.

Approval powers transferred to Union Government.

Commencement of business

  • A company may not commence business, unless it
    • Files a declaration within 180 days of incorporation, confirming that every subscriber to the Memorandum of the company has paid for the shares agreed to be taken by him
    • Files a verification of its registered address with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) within 30 days of incorporation.
  • Failure to comply with these provisions will result in removal of name from RoC.

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