August 8 , 2017
2760 days
• The Central Government has introduced Aadhaar-like unique identity system for cows.
• Under first phase of this scheme, unique Identification Cards were issued to cows in Coimbatore , Tamilnadu.
• The Identity Cards will be issued by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). In Tamil Nadu, the project is being implemented on a pilot basis in seven districts including Coimbatore, Salem, Vellore, Villupuram, Madurai. Preliminary works have commenced in Coimbatore.
• A unique 12 digit number is tagged on the ear of the animal. Details of the cow, quantity of milk yield, name of owner, and her cell phone number will be uploaded. Tags with barcodes made from thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer will be fixed to cow’s ears.
• In addition, these details will be collected and uploaded to the Veterinary Maintenance Department's website. The collected details are uploaded online so that the details of cows can be viewedacross the stateby officers in Chennai and the top officials in Delhi.
• This card will be given in 3 separate colors for hybrid cow, country cow and buffalo.
• Health Cards under Information Network of Animal Protection and Health (INAPH) is being implemented in the State by Tamil Nadu Live Stock Development Agency (TNLDA).
• The plan is implemented primarily to stop smuggling of cattle, especially through the porous international borders to Nepal and Bangladesh.
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