July 21 , 2019
2034 days
- The Government of India is also likely to ban the analogue NSAID aceclofenac for veterinary use.
NSAID - Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
- Aceclofenac has potential to kill Indian vultures.
Previous bans
- The Government of India banned “Diclofenac and its formulations for veterinary use” in July 2008 with a view to conserving vultures.
- Since July 2015 use of the drug as a single-dose injection for humans alone is allowed.
Animals are fed (NSAID) diclofenac as painkiller.
- When the gyps Vulture, also called as Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus) species fed on these carcasses, they faced acute renal failure and died.
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