TNPSC Thervupettagam

Aging Well in Asia report 2024

May 7 , 2024 311 days 1166 0
  • The new report titled 'Aging Well in Asia' was prepared by Asian Development Bank.
  • The South Korea and Thailand have achieved universal health coverage.
  • In Bangladesh, Indonesia and India, more than half of those without access to healthcare are in the bottom two wealth quintiles.
  • The number of people aged 60 and older in developing Asia and the Pacific is set to nearly double by 2050 to 1.2 billion or about a quarter of the total population.
  • Others lag behind with India having the lowest health insurance coverage among older people at 21%.
  • At the same time, these economies have an opportunity to reap a "silver dividend" in the form of additional productivity from older people.
  • It could boost gross domestic product in the region by 0.9% on average.
  • Schemes like Ayushman Bharat that provides cashless healthcare to bottom quartile of population has improved health coverage since its launch.
  • Expanding it further will improve the condition and make people aged over 60 years more productive for the economy.
  • The share of financially prepared near-old people (those within 5 years or so of retirement) to be as high as 86% in Japan and 73% in India.
  • But this is somewhat lower at 64% in China and 58% in the Republic of Korea.
  • Older women in India will see the greatest increase in life expectancy at 6.4 years, followed by Kazakhstan; Georgia; and Hong Kong, China at 4.6 years.
  • For older men, Armenia will have the highest increase in life expectancy at 6.1 years, followed by India at 5.7 years and Georgia at 5.2 years.

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