TNPSC Thervupettagam

Air pollution related deaths see 17 per cent rise in India: Study

November 15 , 2017 2672 days 1319 0
  • Based on recently released report “India: Health of the Nation’s States - India State Level Disease Burden”, there has been a 17 per cent rise in deaths and disabilities due to diseases caused by air pollution across the country.
  • This report has been released in a “Lancet” medical journal.
  • The study highlights that Haryana, Delhi, Punjab, Bihar, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh reported most cases of mortalities and morbidities due to high levels of pollution in 2016, while Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Odisha were the lowest in terms of ambient air pollution.
  • According to the report, life expectancy at birth in the country improved significantly during 1990 to 2016 — from 59.7 years and 58.3 years for females and males respectively in 1990 to 70.3 years for females and 66.9 years for males in 2016.
  • As per the lancet, Kerala is the healthiest state in India. In Kerala life expectancy at birth for Men is 73.8 years and for Women is 78.7 years.
  • This is 8 years higher life expectancy than the national average.
  • The Indian national life expectancy average is 70.3 years
  • The India State-level Disease Burden Initiative is a joint initiative between,
  1. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
  2. Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
  3. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  4. Government of India along with experts and stakeholders associated with over 100 Indian institutions.

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