June 2 , 2023
647 days
- The AISHE Survey 2020-21 conducted under the Ministry of Education.
- The enrolment of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (OBC) in higher education improved by 4.2%, 11.9% and 4%, respectively.
- The Muslim community’s enrolment declined by 8%.
- The most drastic decline was reported from Uttar Pradesh (36%), followed by Jammu and Kashmir (26%), Maharashtra (8.5%) and Tamil Nadu (8.1%).
- Kerala is the only State where 43% Muslims go for higher education.
- OBC community accounts for 36% of the total enrolment in higher education in the country.
- The SCs bring up another 14%.
- The two communities cover nearly 50% of the seats in universities and colleges.
- The Muslim community population stands at over 14% but witness only 4.6% higher education enrolment.
- At an all-India level, teachers belonging to the General Category account for 56% of all teachers.
- OBC, SC and ST teachers make up another 32%, 9% and 2.5% of the teachers, respectively.
- Muslims constitute only about 5.6% of the teachers.
- In terms of gender, there are 75 female teachers for 100 male teachers.
- There are 71% female OBC teachers and 75% female ST teachers, but only 59 female Muslim teachers for every 100 male Muslim teachers.

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