TNPSC Thervupettagam

Animal Discoveries - New Species and New Records 2023

July 8 , 2023 611 days 1184 0
  • India added 664 animal species to its faunal database in the year 2022.
  • These comprise 467 new species and 197 species found in India for the first time.
  • The country also added 339 new plant taxa – 186 taxa that are new to science and 153 taxa as new distributional records from the country in 2022.
  • Among the major fauna species discovered are three new species and one new record of mammals; two new records of birds; 30 new species and two new records of reptiles; six new species and one new record of amphibia; and 28 new species and eight new records of fish.
  • The maximum number of new faunal discoveries has been of invertebrates with 583 species, while vertebrates constitute 81 species.
  • Insects dominate among invertebrates with 384 species.
  • In 2022, the maximum (82) new discoveries were recorded from Kerala.
  • Karnataka is followed with 64 new species and 24 new records accounting for 13.2%.
  • Tamil Nadu saw 71 new discoveries and 13 new records contributing to 12.6% of all the new discoveries and new records in the country.
  • Plant Discoveries 2022’ contains an enumeration of 339 taxa, which have been added to the Indian flora during 2022.
  • These comprise 319 species, and 20 infraspecific taxa as new to the Indian flora.


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