June 11 , 2021
1368 days
- Asom Ratna Award award will be presented every year to one person for his significant contribution to society.
- Cabinet also decided to constitute Asom Bibhushan, Assam Bhushan Award and Asom Shree award.
- These will be conferred every year to three people, five people and ten people, respectively.
- Awards will be accompanied by a cash reward.
- Rs 5 lakhs for Asom Ratna Award,
- Rs 3 lakhs for Asom Bibhushan Award,
- Rs 2 lakhs for Assam Bhushan Award and
- Rs 1 lakh for Asom Shree Award.
Other Decisions
- Literary Pension will be conferred in the name of litterateur Dr Homen Borgohain on his birthday (December 7).
- Sports Pension will be given in the name of Arjun Bhogeswar Barua on his birthday (September 3) while
- Artiste Award will be given on January 17 every year.
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