- The Australian Koalas population suffered an extraordinary hit in the bush fires of Australia.
- Australia recorded 2019 as its hottest year on record.
- The Australian Koalas are to be put under “endangered” from “vulnerable” as 30% of their habitat were destroyed by the fires.
- The Australian Koalas is herbivorous animals that are native to Australia.
- They are found in coastal areas of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia.
- The IUCN red list currently puts Australian Koala under Vulnerable Category.

Why were the bush fires severe?
- The Indian Ocean Dipole was in its positive phase in 2019.
- This means, the eastern Indian Ocean (lying in the north west of Australia) was cooler than the western Indian.
- This drew away the moisture from Australia raising temperatures in Australia.
- The westerlies blowing hot air into the continent increased the fires further fanning them.