Defence Minister Rajnath Singh distributed the awards for best tableaux which was conducted on January 26, 2020, during the 71st Republic Day event.
There was a total of 22 tableaux including 16 from various states and union territories and the remaining 6 from various ministries and departments.
Assam’s tableaux displayed the theme ‘Land of Unique Craftsmanship and Culture’, had showcased the Shatria tradition in the form of Bhortal Nritya was chosen as the best tableaux.
The second position was tied between Odisha which depicted Lord Lingaraja’s Rukuna Rath Yatra, and Uttar Pradesh which showcased the culture of Sarva Dharma Samabhav.
Jal Shakti Mission won the best tableaux for government’s new initiative.
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) won a special prize for the theme “Kashmir se Kanyakumari”.