Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY SEHAT
December 30 , 2020
1481 days
- PM Modi is to launch the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) SEHAT scheme for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).
- SEHAT scheme stands for Social, Endeavour for Health and Telemedicine.
- The scheme will cover the remaining one crore population which has not been covered under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme.
- The Jammu and Kashmir is the first Union Territory in India to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
- The Scheme provides free of cost insurance cover up to Rs.5 Lakh per family to all the residents of the UT of J&K.
- The PM-JAY is the world’s largest health insurance/assurance scheme fully financed by the government.
- The benefit of Rs 5,00,000 is on a family floater basis.
- It means that it can be used by one or all members of the family.
- West Bengal, Odisha and Telangana are the states that did not implement this Ayushman Bharat.
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