TNPSC Thervupettagam

China’s marine satellite

September 10 , 2018 2364 days 1013 0
  • China launched a marine satellite to help improve understanding of maritime waters and climate change.
  • This HY—1C satellite will help monitor ocean colour and water temperatures, providing basic data for research on the global oceanic environment.
  • HY—1C detect chlorophyll and suspended sediment concentrations and dissolved organic matter, which can affect ocean colour, as well as temperatures on the sea surface.
  • Its data will also be used in the survey of the resources and environment of China’s offshore waters, islands and coastal zones, marine disaster relief and the sustainable utilisation of ocean resource.
  • HY-1C is expected to improve China’s ocean remote sensing capability, along with HY—1D, which is planned to be launched in 2019.

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