Chloropicrin - Chemical Weapon
May 14 , 2024
296 days
- The U.S. State Department accused Russia of having used a chemical weapon against Ukrainian forces in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
- The US factsheet accuses Russia of using chemical agent chloropicrin in Ukraine.
- The chemical compound chloropicrin is used both as a warfare agent and pesticide.
- If inhaled, it poses a health risk.
- Also known as nitro chloroform, chloropicrin is also employed as an antimicrobial agent, and as a herbicide and nematicide.
- It was first made for us as a poison gas in the First World War, by both the Allied and the Central Powers.
- Chloropicrin has documented irritating and tears-inducing effects on humans, and is also known to be highly toxic and carcinogenic.

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