TNPSC Thervupettagam

CMV and ToMV Viruses

July 10 , 2023 609 days 542 0
  • Tomato growers in Maharashtra and Karnataka have blamed two different viruses for the loss of yields.
  • Farmers in Maharashtra have said their tomato crop was impacted by attacks of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).
  • The Growers in Karnataka and other South Indian states have blamed the tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) for crop losses.
  • The two plant pathogens have similar names and cause similar damage to crops.
  • But they belong to different viral families, and spread differently.
  • ToMV belongs to the Virgaviridae family and is closely related to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
  • ToMV hosts include tomato, tobacco, peppers, and certain ornamental plants.
  • CMV has a much larger host pool that includes cucumber, melon, eggplant, tomato, carrot, lettuce, celery, cucurbits
  • CMV was identified in cucumber in 1934, which gave the virus its name.
  • ToMV spreads mainly through infected seeds, saplings, agricultural tools and often, through the hands of nursery workers.
  • CMV is spread by aphids, which are sap-sucking insects.
  • CMV can also spread through human touch, but the chances of that are extremely low.

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