Constitution (STs) Order (5th Amendment) Bill
July 29 , 2023
596 days
- The Rajya Sabha passed the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Fifth Amendment) Bill, 2022.
- It aims to include several communities from Chhattisgarh in the list of STs.
- Lok Sabha passed the Bill during the last Winter Session.
- The Bill was brought in to add Bhuinya, Bhuiyan and Bhuyan communities as synonyms of Bharia, Bhumia, Bharia.
- It also, add three Devanagari versions of Pando community and Dhanuhar and Dhanuwar communities, to substitute Kond for Kondh in the list.
- It will add Kisan community in entry 32 of the legislation.
- It includes Saunra and Saonra communities in entry 41 and to add Binjhia community in new entry 43.

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