TNPSC Thervupettagam

Cosmic Glitch

May 14 , 2024 263 days 364 0
  • Researchers have discovered what they're calling a "cosmic glitch" in gravity.
  • It could potentially help explain the universe's strange behavior on a cosmic scale.
  • They said, Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity may not be sufficient to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe.
  • Einstein's "model of gravity has been essential for everything from theorizing the Big Bang to photographing black holes.
  • As galaxies recede into the distance, they accelerate, seemingly defying the boundaries set by Einstein's theory.
  • Our findings suggest a departure from the expected gravitational behavior, particularly at immense distances, akin to a 'cosmic glitch.'"
  • When traversing cosmic distances, it appears that additional considerations come into play.

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