January 23 , 2020
1814 days
- The Economic Intelligence Unit released Democracy Index for the year 2019.
- According to this Index, there are four types of regime: full democracy; flawed democracy; hybrid regime; and authoritarian regime.
- The index was topped by Norway.
- Norway was followed by Iceland and Sweden at second and third positions respectively.
- India was pushed to 51st rank slipping 10 positions as compared to its previous ranking.
- It is placed in the “flawed democracy” category, which also includes Bangladesh.
- Other “full democracies” include Germany, the United Kingdom and France.
- The United States is a “flawed democracy”, in the same category as India.
- China and North Korea are categorised as “authoritarian regimes”.
- Pakistan is categorised as a “hybrid democracy”.
- It provides a snapshot of the state of world democracy for 165 independent states and two territories.
- The Index is based on five categories
- Electoral process and pluralism.
- Civil liberties.
- Functioning of government.
- Political participation.
- Political culture.
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