United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released a report titled ‘Digital Economy Report (DER) 2019’.
DER was formerly known as the Information Economy Report.
It examines the scope for value creation and capture in the digital economy by developing countries.
Highlights of the report
The ICT sector is the largest in Taiwan Province of China, Ireland, and Malaysia.
The global computer services industry is dominated by the United States.
India has the largest share among developing countries in the computer services industry.
Also, India ranked fourth in terms of growth in the share of the ICT sector’s value-added in GDP between 2010 and 2017.
In “Share of ICT services in total exports of services: Top 20 countries, 2017”, India ranked 2nd which is topped by Ireland. India is the largest developing-country exporter of such services.
The three of the largest producers of telecommunication services are developing countries, namely China, India, and Brazil.