January 20 , 2024
419 days
- A double cicada emergence is on the cards this year, a rarity that is happening after 221 years.
- Two broods of cicadas will explode from the ground at the same time: Brood XIII and Brood XIX.
- Typically, the insects emerge from underground every 13 or 17 years, depending on the brood.
- But this year, both these broods will emerge together.
- This rare joint explosion of cicadas last happened in the year 1803, the year the Louisiana Purchase was made.
- Its next occurrence will happen only 421 years later.
- Cicadas are insects that spend the early stages of their lives underground.
- Once fully grown, they emerge in millions for food and to mate.
- While Brood XIX of cicadas emerges once every 13 years, Brood XIII explodes from the ground every 17 years.

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