TNPSC Thervupettagam

Effect of the Moon on Mangroves

October 4 , 2022 879 days 723 0
  • Scientists have found that the oscillation of the moon’s orbit or ‘moon wobble’ has a significant impact on the mangrove canopy cover of the world.
  • The moon’s gravitational pull forms tides that maintain the health of the oceans, coastal areas and biodiversity.
  • The new study has found that these long-phase tidal cycles play an important role in the regulation of tidal wetland ecosystems — such as the growth of mangrove forests.
  • When the lunar wobble is in its minimum phase, the researchers figured that mangrove ecosystems would be sucked dry, experiencing fewer days where their roots were saturated and greater water stress, leading to thinner canopy.
  • At its maximum, the lunar wobble might thrust tides higher, boosting mangrove growth.
  • Mangroves are coastal trees that offer habitat for fish as well as protection from erosion.

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