TNPSC Thervupettagam

Elections to cooperative societies

April 5 , 2018 2535 days 2778 0
  • The Tamil Nadu State Co-operative Societies Election Commission has announced the schedule for electing the office-bearers for cooperative societies across the State.
  • Rajendran, Commissioner of Tamil Nadu State Co-operative Societies Election Commission announced that the polls would be held in five phases.
  • Elections to the cooperative Societies held the year 2013. The executive committee member’s 5 years tenure going to complete this month (April).
  • So, to ensure the filling of office members of Cooperative Society through election, the Cooperative Societies election commission announced the elections to the cooperative societies.
  • Cooperative Societies’ Election Commission going to conduct elections to elect the executive committee members of 18,775 societies which come under15 government departments including Cooperatives, Milk Production, Dairy form Development, Fisheries, Handloom and Textiles.
  • Elections are planned to conduct in the 5-phase manner because the cooperative societies in Tamilnadu, being working in three set up of primary societies, central societies and state societies.
  • Cooperative Societies’ additional register, Chennai and Cooperative Societies Regional sub registers are appointed as the election observers.

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