TNPSC Thervupettagam

Environment Ministry Launches “Harit Diwali, Swasth Diwali” Campaign

August 19 , 2017 2731 days 1656 0
  • Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the “Harit Diwali, Swasth Diwali” campaign to make awareness to the children about the importance of their contribution towards reducing pollution by not bursting harmful fire crackers during Diwali.
  • As a part of the campaign, the Environment Ministry will undertake various activities to create awareness among various stakeholders and encourage people to participate in combating air pollution.
  • As has been the experience in the past few years, airborne pollution has been rising above safe limits during winter in many cities. The excessive burning of crackers during Diwali aggravates the problem.
  • The pollution levels in Delhi last year, especially post Diwali, reached such levels that the government had to declare an emergency situation, which had socio-economic consequences like closing down of schools, construction sites and power stations.

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