“Fighting for Breath- A call to action on childhood pneumonia” released by UNICEF.
As per the report, Pneumonia is one of the leading killers of children in India, claiming more than 14 children under the age of 5 years every hour in 2018.
It killed over 1,27,000 under-five children in 2018 with high risk factors of malnutrition (53%) and pollution (Outdoor air pollution -27% & Indoor air pollution-22%).
Five countries responsible for more than half of child pneumonia deaths includes Nigeria (162,000), India (127,000), Pakistan (58,000), the Democratic Republic of Congo (40,000) and Ethiopia (32,000).
According to Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD), the global target for pneumonia mortality rate for children under five by 2025 is three per 1000 live births.