TNPSC Thervupettagam

Fish Production in the World

March 26 , 2020 1807 days 1158 0
  • India is an important country that produces fish through aquaculture in the world. 
  • India is home to more than 10 percent of the global fish diversity. 
  • Presently, the country ranks second in the world in total fish production with an annual fish production of about 9.06 million metric tonnes.
  • As the second largest country in aquaculture production, the share of inland fisheries and aquaculture has gone up from 46 percent in the 1980s to over 85 percent in recent years in total fish production.
  • India's aquaculture production basically can be classified into freshwater and brackish water production.
  • Freshwater aquaculture contributes to over 95 percent of the total aquaculture production.

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