TNPSC Thervupettagam

Gallantry and Police Awards

August 18 , 2020 1665 days 1189 0
  • The President approved 84 awards and decorations to the Armed Forces personnel and members of the Paramilitary Forces.
  • The awards include one Kirti Chakra, nine Shaurya Chakras, five Bar to Sena Medals (Gallantry), 60 Sena Medals (Gallantry), four Nao Sena Medals (Gallantry) and five Vayu Sena Medals (Gallantry).
  • Kirti Chakra, country’s second highest peacetime gallantry award was awarded posthumously to Abdul Rashid Kalas, Head Constable, J&K Police.
  • Shaurya Chakra is the third highest peacetime gallantry award while Ashok Chakra is the highest peacetime gallantry award.
  • A total of 926 Police personnel has been awarded Medals.
  • Police Medals for Gallantry (PMG) have been awarded to 215 police personnel for their conspicuous gallant action.
  • President’s Police Medals for Distinguished Service has been awarded to 80 police personnel.
  • Police Medal for Meritorious Service awarded to 631 police personnel.

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