Gangetic Dolphins in India
May 27 , 2024
284 days
- According to the Wildlife Institute of India, currently, about 4,000 dolphins are present in the Ganga and its tributaries.
- The number of Gangetic dolphins in Uttar Pradesh is expected to be 2,000.
- It is more than half of the total number of Gangetic dolphins found in India.
- In Uttar Pradesh, the dolphins are mainly found in the Chambal River.
- Ganges river dolphin also known as blind dolphin, Ganges susu or its scientific name is Platanista gangetica.
- It is mainly found in the mainstream of the Ganga River and its tributaries, Ghaghra, Kosi, Gandak, Chambal, Rupnarayan, and Yamuna.
- Gangetic river dolphin was declared the National Aquatic Animal of India on 18 May 2010.

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