Gross enrolment ratio in higher education is calculated for the 18-23 age group
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education in India is 27.1 per cent for 2019-20
It is an improvement from previous year’s 26.3 per cent.
For Scheduled Castes, the ratio is 23.4 per cent and for Scheduled Tribes, it is 18 per cent.
The highest GER is in Sikkim, at 76%.
Tamilnadu is at 51.4%.
Karnataka is at 32%
The other states are Kerala (39%), Telangana (36%), AP (35%) and Maharashtra (32.3%).
In terms of Student enrolment (In Numbers), Uttar Pradesh occupies the first place.
It has 49.1% male and 50.9% female students.
It is followed by Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
The number of universities has increased by 30.5% from 799 in 2015-16 to 1043 in 2019-20.
Of the 42,343 colleges in the Country, 60.56% are located in rural areas and 10.75% of colleges are exclusively for girls.
And the majority of the colleges (78.6%) in the country, are privately managed, led by Andhra Pradesh (81%), Telangana (80%), Uttar Pradesh (78.5%), and Tamil Nadu (77.6%).
Maharashtra tops in the enrolment of students in universities (including constituent units) with 9,67,034, followed by Tamil Nadu with 9,26,490 students, and Delhi with 8,16,110 students.