Global Intellectual Property Filings
November 29 , 2022
835 days
- The WIPO’s World Intellectual Property Indicators (WIPI) report showed that innovators around the world filed 3.4 million patent applications in 2021.
- This is 3.6 per cent high from the previous year with offices in Asia receiving 67.6 per cent of all applications worldwide.
- The filings in 2021 driven largely by increases from Asian countries of India, China, and South Korea.
- Strong growth in local patent filings in India (+5.5 percent), China (+5.5 percent) and the Republic of Korea (+2.5 per cent).
- Local patenting activity in the U.S. (-1.2 per cent), Japan (-1.7 per cent) and Germany (-3.9 per cent) declined in 2021.

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