The Ministry of Shipping has extended the period of the Coastal Berth scheme of the flagship Sagarmala Programme for three years.
The projects under the Scheme are distributed over eight states with the highest number of projects in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Goa.
Coastal Berth Scheme
The Coastal Berth Scheme aims to provide financial support to ports or state governments for creation of infrastructure for movement of cargo and passenger by sea or national waterways.
The admissible financial assistance from Central Government is 50% of the total cost of the project.
The balance expenditure has to be incurred by the respective ports, concerned State Governments from their own resources.
The scheme aims to promote coastal shipping and increase its share in domestic cargo movement in India.
The Sagarmala project seeks to develop a string of ports around India’s coast.
The objective of this initiative is to promote “Port-led development” along India’s 7500 km long coastline.
Three key components of Sagarmala project are port modernization, efficient evacuation Systems and Coastal economic development.
The Ministry of Shipping is nodal ministry for this initiative.