TNPSC Thervupettagam

Gram Samridhi Evam Swachhata Pakhwada-Oct 1 to Oct 15

October 23 , 2017 2695 days 1529 0
  • In partnership with State Governments and other Departments, Department of Rural Development organized Gram Samridhi Evam Swachhata Pakhwada from 1st October to 15th October, 2017.
  • Gram Sabhas were held in nearly all the Gram Panchayats of the Country on 2nd October.
During this period,
  • DISHA Monitoring Portal and Gram Samvaad App were introduced.
  • Disha Monitoring Portal would enable Members of Parliament to track progress in implementation of various centrally sponsored schemes in their constituency.
  • Gram Samvaad Mobile app allows a citizen to access information on and implementation of Rural Development schemes at Panchayat level.
  • Pakhwada has two distinct components.
  1. Gam Sabha meetings, cleanliness campaigns and public information on different schemes of government, would be implemented across all the gram panchayats.
  2. Baseline ranking of 50,000 GPs to be taken up in Mission Antyodaya.
Gram Samridhi Evam Swacchata Pakhwada
  • It is an effort to prepare the Gram Panchayat Development Plan through extensive community participation especially of women and youth.
  • The recommendations of this plan will be given top most priority in finalization of Annual Action Plan across schemes and programmes of various Ministries and Departments.

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