April 26 , 2020
1779 days
- The COVID-19 has killed thousands and has indented a bad and deep history of economic crisis.
- It has locked down almost every super economic power in the world.
- There were several other Pandemics in the history that created equal impacts.
- They are Justinian Plague, Black Death and Spanish Flu.
- The Justinian Plague was the deadliest pandemic that broke in 6th century.
- It had spread from Egypt to Constantinople.
- The Black Death killed more than 200 million.
- It struck China, Syria, India and Egypt.
- The disease arrived in Europe in 1347.
- The Spanish Flu broke during the last phase of World War I.
- It was recorded in Europe and later spread to Asia and America.
- The disease weakened German units in the First Wold War and was still considered as one of the reasons for the fall of Germany in the war.
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