TNPSC Thervupettagam

IMD's competitiveness rankings

May 28 , 2018 2482 days 979 0
  • India has moved one notch higher, to the 44th place in terms of competitiveness, in the annual rankings compiled by International Institute for Management Development (IMD) which placed the US in the top slot.
  • The US became the most competitive economy globally driven by its strength in economic performance and infrastructure, followed by Hong Kong (2), Singapore (3), The Netherlands (4) and Switzerland (5).
  • The other top 10 countries include Denmark (6th), the UAE (7th), Norway (8th) and Sweden (9th) and Canada (10th).
  • India has been ranked the 12th most competitive economy out of the 14 Asian countries on the list.
  • Meanwhile, China (13th) continued with its steady rise in rankings over the past five years, climbing 10 spots since 2014.
  • The IMD World Competitiveness Centre, a research group at IMD business school in Switzerland, has published the rankings every year since 1989.
  • This year 63 countries are ranked with Cyprus and Saudi Arabia making their first appearance.

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