India’s Highest Vulture Population
March 3 , 2025
10 days
- The latest census has counted the vulture population in Madhya Pradesh at 12,981, an increase by 2,136 over the last census.
- In the 2024 census, the vulture population in the state was counted at 10,845.
- In the last six years, the population of the avian species in the state has increased by 35 percent.
- In 2019, Madhya Pradesh had 8,397 vultures and since then the vulture population has been increasing steadily.
- In 2021, the population of vultures in the state was 9,446.
- As per the latest census, Madhya Pradesh houses seven species of vultures.
- Of them, four are local species and the remaining three are migratory ones.

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