October 3 , 2023
466 days
- The United Nations Population Fund released the India Ageing Report 2023.
- The population above 60 years will double from 10.5% or 14.9 crore (as on July 1, 2022) to 20.8% or 34.7 crore by 2050.
- By 2050, this population will double to 20.8%, with the absolute number at 347 million.
- By the end of the century, the elderly will constitute over 36% of the total population of the country.
- India's one-fifth of population will comprise people above 60 by 2050.
- In Kerala and West Bengal for instance, there is a growing population of the elderly who live alone as children migrate for better opportunities.
- Currently, India has one of the highest populations of adolescents and young people in the world with 65% of Indians under 35.
- 18.7% elderly did not have any income.
- This proportion was above the national level in 17 states, ranging from 19.3% in Uttarakhand to 42.4% in Lakshadweep.
- Himachal Pradesh and Punjab reported a higher share of the elderly than the national average in 2021.
- This gap is expected to widen by 2036.
- Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, also expect to see an increase in the share of the elderly between 2021 and 2036.
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